Friday, March 23, 2012

Geneva To Learn How to Spell Handbook

Beaver Falls - On Tuesday, March 20th, almost 7 months since the start of the 2011-2012 academic year, the Student Development office made the realization that their mass-produced student handbook has “Handbook” spelled incorrectly.
Dr. Mike Loomis, Dean of Student Development, was confronted by Cupboard reporters mid-afternoon on Tuesday and handed an issue of the “Hanbook.”  “What is this?” Loomis questioned, aghast at such an obvious error.  “Please tell me this is only copy with this mistake on it.”
Unfortunately, over 1400 copies of the Student Handbook have been issued to students this year.  A recent poll shares that over 75% of students had also overlooked the lack of the letter “d.”  Of that 75%, an astonishing 12% admitted to having looked at the handbook more than once.
           “I really don’t’ think it’s fair that we are graded so intently on our grammar in our classes, while Geneva is mass-producing the guide to our entire education with a misspelled word in bold, size 76 font”,  says Emily Bestor, a Senior English Major.
           While many annoyed English majors share this belief, the majority of students find it to be “downright comical.” Many have claimed to have read through the entire handbook just to see if they can find more errors.
           Student Development plans to cover up their mistake by passing the error off as a test to see if anyone actually cares about or uses the handbook.


  1. I spent more time on the roof tiles than I did on spell check.

  2. If only there were spell check in InDesign....
